Learn basics techniques to draw the human body with precise proportions and without using a model
The desire to capture the human figure and its complex mechanics, shapes, and structures has challenged artists throughout history, and it hasn’t been any different for artist and illustrator Zursoif. Over the course of his more-than-fifteen-year career he has made the human body the focal point of his work and has become an expert in figure art and anatomical drawing.
In this course, learn how to draw the human figure and its proportions starting with simple lines and circles. Apply the techniques and exercises you learn to create realistic drawings and build a catalogue of poses that will be the foundation for making more elaborate and detailed images.

Who is this online course for?
Anyone is interested in drawing the human body, regardless of age.
Requirements and materials
No prior knowledge is needed, just the desire to accurately draw the human body.
As for materials, you need graphite and colored pencils, rulers, paper, tracing paper, acetate, thread, circle rulers, a compass, or any circular object you can trace.